Strange Peaks
The first highlight of Qingjiang Fangshan. The mountain peaks of Fangshan are either directly inserted into the sky, such as standing upright; or they embrace each other as if they are away from each other, like a combination of yin and yang; Thousands of peaks and mountains, many poses and many changes. There are even more strange rocks all over the roads in the forest, which are strangely shaped and imaginative. The Fangshan peaks and clever rocks created by nature's axe and magical work are beautiful and wonderful; if clouds and rain fall, thousands of peaks rise and fall, looming like dreams.
qingjiang fangshan
Telphone:86 717-5325858
Opening hours:08:30~18:00
Address: Zhengjiabang Village, Longzhouping Town, Changyang Tujia Autonomous County
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